On your 76th year date of birth

Created by Pat 9 years ago
Dear Al, Today March 21, 2015 is 76 years from your date of birth to your mother Sadie and almost 6 years since your transition into everlasting life. A lot has happened here in the past year; joy, painful losses in departures of loved ones, hope, blessings, marriage, new births, and growth. However, yet holding fast to faith and the promises of God. Not a day in my life goes by without thoughts and remembrance and many dreams of you. Al, we now have 25 wonderful grand and great grandchildren and you have all the crowns and glory for what began with our 6 wonderful children. I still have to accept that’s God design for fathers and grandfathers to bless their children and children’s children. Proverbs, 17: 6. We have been truly blessed, from the youngest great grandson of Andre II and Rita, 4 month old King Noah, to the oldest daughter of 54 years, with love for one another and good health. Your brother Maurice and my sister Rosalie are 80 and Mabel made 90 years old this year. God has been good to our family and I am truly grateful. With my everlasting love, Patsy (Your 73 years old brown eyed wife)