From your daughter Ruth on 06/06/2009

My Tribute to my Daddy: First of all, I truly want to thank everyone for coming to celebrate our father’s life and legacy with us. I know that each of us have a ton of stories, anecdotes or words of wisdom that we could share, but I just wanted to highlights some things that have made an incredible impact on my life. First and foremost, we couldn’t have chosen better parents if we had been given a lifetime to do so. If it is true what they say, and that opposites attract, my siblings and I were raised by YING and YANG, which made for a very entertaining upbringing. Although most of you know my parents’ six children, or have at least heard of us, we have always had another beloved by my father parked in the garage. We may not know the names that he gave them, and I am sure that he did; but in my lifetime I know them as: Pontiac Granville, Bonneville; Chevy Cavalier; Isuzu I-Mark; Toyota Camry and Honda Accord. He cherished and nurtured every vehicle as though he had given birth to them. I dare not say that he LOVED them, because my dad would say that’s a pretty strong word, but we know that he loved them. He spent countless hours, waxing, buffing, shining and polishing it so that he could park it in garage. He taught us to drive in his cars, as he thought a father should, but as soon as we would ask to use it, we had to listen to him literally tell us how much he goes through keeping his car clean, filling it with gas, paying the monthly note, how we can’t touch the radio, open the moon roof, play tapes or move the seat etc., etc., etc. Then as in every case with my father we would still get what we wanted, just a little later. I’m sure that if you all have ever spoken with my father, he may have told you about a childhood memory, someone on one of his bus routes, how my mother did something he still can’t understand, or just excerpts of the meaning of life how he knew it, but absolutely nothing made him light up or ramble on more than when he told how his children celebrated and took care of him. Therefore, mom when you miss daddy’s smile, call for Little Al, if you want to be charmed, or as you put it, hear a mean rap, get Andre on the phone, if you want someone to just quietly hold you up and give you strength, Chris has never been too far away, and you know that Cerese will cook anything that you can imagine and it will more than satisfy your soul, as for me, I’ll just pretty much tell you everything that you already know but maybe need to hear again because (mom) I’m your Mini-Me, but Mila, she gave our father the highest glory and honor of all, when she gave all that she had to celebrate him and for that I am eternally grateful, and he knew that nothing could ever top that day. So God chose that day to be his last and now we have a double anointing of favor abiding in heaven making intercession for us because everybody knows that daddy could never say no to us. Thank you, mom, for being that good thing that our father found. My eternal love, Ruth Serene